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Updated: Mar 11, 2018

I decided try other projects using arduino as I had a really fun time using it for my Arduino piano project. After much thinking, I decided that I wanted to try making a digital clock as my room didn't have one at the moment.

I went ahead and bought myself an Arduino Nano for this project as well as the other components needed. SInce it was my first time using the LCD screen, I first tested out the code for the LCD screen.

After which, i tested out the clock code that I got after watching a lot of Youtube videos.

It did not really worked the first time. But after spending a lot of time on trial-&-error, I managed to get it working like I wanted it to.


#include "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h"

#include <Wire.h>

#include "Arduino.h"

#include "RTClib.h"

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

int h;

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);

const int switchPin = 3; // the number of the switch pin

int switchState = 0; // variable for reading the switch status

RTC_DS1307 rtc;

void setup()


lcd.init(); // necessary







// Check if the RTC is running.

if (! rtc.isrunning()) {

Serial.println("RTC is NOT running");

pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);


// This section grabs the current datetime and compares it to

// the compilation time. If necessary, the RTC is updated.

DateTime now =;

DateTime compiled = DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__);

if (now.unixtime() < compiled.unixtime()) {

Serial.println("RTC is older than compile time! Updating");

rtc.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);



void loop()


DateTime now =;

int h = now.hour()+1;


switchState = digitalRead(switchPin);

int m = now.minute();

if (switchState == HIGH)

{ h = h;}

if (switchState == LOW)

{ h = h-1;}

// start LCD hour print routine

if (h==1)

{lcd.print(" One ");}

if (h==2)

{lcd.print(" Two ");}

if (h==3)

{lcd.print(" Three ");}

if (h==4)

{lcd.print(" Four ");}

if (h==5)

{lcd.print(" Five ");}

if (h==6)

{lcd.print(" Six ");}

if (h==7)

{lcd.print(" Seven ");}

if (h==8)

{lcd.print(" Eight ");}

if (h==9)

{lcd.print(" Nine ");}

if (h==10)

{lcd.print(" Ten ");}

if (h==11)

{lcd.print(" Eleven ");}

if (h==12)

{lcd.print(" Twelve ");}

if (h==13)

{lcd.print(" One ");}

if (h==14)

{lcd.print(" Two ");}

if (h==15)

{lcd.print(" Three ");}

if (h==16)

{lcd.print(" Four ");}

if (h==17)

{lcd.print(" Five ");}

if (h==18)

{lcd.print(" Six ");}

if (h==19)

{lcd.print(" Seven ");}

if (h==20)

{lcd.print(" Eight ");}

if (h==21)

{lcd.print(" Nine ");}

if (h==22)

{lcd.print(" Ten ");}

if (h==23)

{lcd.print(" Eleven ");}

if (h==0)

{lcd.print(" Twelve ");}

//start LCD minute print routine


if (m==0)

{lcd.print(" O'Clock ");}

if (m==1)

{lcd.print(" Oh One ");}

if (m==2)

{lcd.print(" Oh Two ");}

if (m==3)

{lcd.print(" Oh Three ");}

if (m==4)

{lcd.print(" Oh Four ");}

if (m==5)

{lcd.print(" Oh Five ");}

if (m==6)

{lcd.print(" Oh Six ");}

if (m==7)

{lcd.print(" Oh Seven ");}

if (m==8)

{lcd.print(" Oh Eight ");}

if (m==9)

{lcd.print(" Oh Nine ");}

if (m==10)

{lcd.print(" Ten ");}

if (m==11)

{lcd.print(" Eleven ");}

if (m==12)

{lcd.print(" Twelve ");}

if (m==13)

{lcd.print(" Thirteen ");}

if (m==14)

{lcd.print(" Fourteen ");}

if (m==15)

{lcd.print(" Fifteen ");}

if (m==16)

{lcd.print(" Sixteen ");}

if (m==17)

{lcd.print(" Seventeen ");}

if (m==18)

{lcd.print(" Eighteen ");}

if (m==19)

{lcd.print(" Nineteen ");}

if (m==20)

{lcd.print(" Twenty ");}

if (m==21)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-one ");}

if (m==22)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-two ");}

if (m==23)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-three ");}

if (m==24)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-four ");}

if (m==25)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-five ");}

if (m==26)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-six ");}

if (m==27)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-seven ");}

if (m==28)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-eight ");}

if (m==29)

{lcd.print(" Twenty-nine ");}

if (m==30)

{lcd.print(" Thirty ");}

if (m==31)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-one ");}

if (m==32)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-two ");}

if (m==33)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-three ");}

if (m==34)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-four ");}

if (m==35)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-five ");}

if (m==36)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-six ");}

if (m==37)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-seven ");}

if (m==38)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-eight ");}

if (m==39)

{lcd.print(" Thirty-nine ");}

if (m==40)

{lcd.print(" Forty ");}

if (m==41)

{lcd.print(" Forty-one ");}

if (m==42)

{lcd.print(" Forty-two ");}

if (m==43)

{lcd.print(" Forty-three ");}

if (m==44)

{lcd.print(" Forty-four ");}

if (m==45)

{lcd.print(" Forty-five ");}

if (m==46)

{lcd.print(" Forty-six ");}

if (m==47)

{lcd.print(" Forty-seven ");}

if (m==48)

{lcd.print(" Forty-eight ");}

if (m==49)

{lcd.print(" Forty-nine ");}

if (m==50)

{lcd.print(" Fifty ");}

if (m==51)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-one ");}

if (m==52)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-two ");}

if (m==53)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-three ");}

if (m==54)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-four ");}

if (m==55)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-five ");}

if (m==56)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-six ");}

if (m==57)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-seven ");}

if (m==58)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-eight ");}

if (m==59)

{lcd.print(" Fifty-nine ");}

if (h < 12){







Now that all the wiring is done, all that is left is to build the body of the clock. I decided to build it from cheap wood that I bought from DAISO as I really liked the pattern of the wood. After which, I coated the wood with some wood stain to really make the colour POP. Really liked how it turned out.

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